
sudo apt update 
sudo apt install -y ufw


Usage: ufw COMMAND

enable enables the firewall
disable disables the firewall
default ARG set default policy
logging LEVEL set logging to LEVEL
allow ARGS add allow rule
deny ARGS add deny rule
reject ARGS add reject rule
limit ARGS add limit rule
delete RULE|NUM delete RULE
insert NUM RULE insert RULE at NUM
prepend RULE prepend RULE
route RULE add route RULE
route delete RULE|NUM delete route RULE
route insert NUM RULE insert route RULE at NUM
reload reload firewall
reset reset firewall
status show firewall status
status numbered show firewall status as numbered list of RULES
status verbose show verbose firewall status
show ARG show firewall report
version display version information

Application profile commands:
app list list application profiles
app info PROFILE show information on PROFILE
app update PROFILE update PROFILE
app default ARG set default application policy


  1. 开启防火墙:ufw enable
  2. 允许ssh连接:ufw allow ssh
  3. 查看状态:ufw status verbose


ufw激活后的默认的策略是允许出去,不允许流量进来 (配置文件位置:/etc/default/ufw)

  1. 修改端口规则:ufw allow port_number/protocol
  2. 配置防火墙规则:
  • 允许http连接:sudo ufw allow http
  • 阻止http连接:sudo ufw denty http
  • 配置tcp某一个端口允许(allow)/阻止(denty):sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
  • 配置udp某一个端口允许(allow)/阻止(denty):sudo ufw allow 22/udp
  • 配置udp/tcp 某一个端口允许(allow)/阻止(denty):sudo ufw allow 22
  • 配置一组端口号:sudo ufw allow 22:55
  • 指定一个特定ip:sudo ufw allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  • 指定特定ip连接到特定端口:sudo ufw allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to any poart 22
  • 指定特定的子网连接:sudo ufw allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/24
  1. 删除端口规则:sudo ufw delete allow 22/tcp(规则前面使用delete)
  2. 查看配置的序列进行删除:
    1. ufw status numbered

2. `ufw delete [number]`